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时间:2019-09-28 16:32 来源:未知 作者:li8i9ue 点击:



In the world of Buddhist ghosts, the most affluent with the Chinese should be the first to push the Goddess of Mercy. For thousands of years, Guanyin’s deep audience has embraced and favored “Amitabha, the household’s Guanyin”, and his (her) name is almost unknown. He is very close to the traditional Chinese culture. Guanyin's full name is “Chen Shi Yin”. Guanyin Bodhisattva is a great bodhisattva with great sorrow and deep hope in Buddhism. It is said that as long as the victims recite their name "Chen Shi Yin", Bodhisattva immediately observes his voice and goes to salvation to relieve the victims. Also known as the Guanyin audience, the sound of the audience, the machine to all kinds of metaplasia to save the suffering of all living, so there are many Guanyin.


In the Qing Dynasty, the face of the Buddha statue was rich and round, rich and generous, and the five features were exquisite. The body proportions are coordinated and beautifully shaped. There are many Chinese clothes, the clothes are radial, the folds are vivid and the 帔帛 is relatively wide. The enamel and beaded ornaments on the chest are extremely delicate and delicate. The base of the rosette is obviously squatting, the lotus petals are regular and flat, generally only half of the circumference, the eye line of the female is a wave of three folds, the spacing is wide, the crown leaves are flat, not hollow.


The Buddhism that the rulers of the Qing Dynasty first came into contact with was the Lamaism passed down in Tibet. Since the beginning of the seventeenth century, the lama has been missionary to Guanwai and has received the courtesy of the Qing Taizu. In Taizongshi (1627-1643), Shengjing (now Shenyang) began to establish relations with the Dalai Lama of Tibet at the time (1617-1682). Buddhism in the Qing Dynasty, the contemporary world's beliefs, Guanyin Bodhisattva also Guanyin Bodhisattva, Guan Zi Bodhisattva, Guangshiyin Bodhisattva, etc., he looks dignified and kind, often holding a clean bottle of willow, with infinite wisdom and supernatural powers, great compassion and compassion, save the world suffering. When people encounter disasters, as long as they read their names, they go to salvation, so they call Guanyin. There are many kinds of bronze Guanyin, such as three-faced Guanyin, Avalokitesvara, Jinguan Guanyin, Rosette Guanyin, and Sending Guanyin.




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