清代观音佛铜像 在佛教神鬼世界里,与中国人最有缘份的应首推观音菩萨。千百年来,观音深受众生的信奉和青睐,“家家阿弥陀,户户观世音”,他(她)的名号几乎无人不知。他与中国传统文化水乳交融,影响十分深远。观音全称“观世音”,观音菩萨是佛教里悲深愿大,而且最注重现世救度的一位大菩萨。据称遇难者只要念诵其名号“观世音”,菩萨即时观其声音,前往拯救,使遇难者得到解脱。又称观世音观众生音声,应机以种种化生普救众生苦难,故有很多观世音。 In the world of Buddhist ghosts, the most affluent with the Chinese should be the first to push the Goddess of Mercy. For thousands of years, Guanyin’s deep audience has embraced and favored “Amitabha, the household’s Guanyin”, and his (her) name is almost unknown. He is very close to the traditional Chinese culture. Guanyin's full name is “Chen Shi Yin”. Guanyin Bodhisattva is a great bodhisattva with great sorrow and deep hope in Buddhism. It is said that as long as the victims recite their name "Chen Shi Yin", Bodhisattva immediately observes his voice and goes to salvation to relieve the victims. Also known as the Guanyin audience, the sound of the audience, the machine to all kinds of metaplasia to save the suffering of all living, so there are many Guanyin.
清代佛像脸型方圆丰润,丰颐宽额,五官精致,双目传神。身体比例协调,造型优美。多着汉式衣服,衣纹呈放射状,衣褶曲折生动,帔帛较为宽大。胸前所饰的璎珞、串珠雕刻得极为精美细腻。莲座底沿明显外撇,莲瓣规整,扁平,一般只围大半,度母眼线为一波三折式,间距较宽,冠叶呈平板状,不镂空。 In the Qing Dynasty, the face of the Buddha statue was rich and round, rich and generous, and the five features were exquisite. The body proportions are coordinated and beautifully shaped. There are many Chinese clothes, the clothes are radial, the folds are vivid and the 帔帛 is relatively wide. The enamel and beaded ornaments on the chest are extremely delicate and delicate. The base of the rosette is obviously squatting, the lotus petals are regular and flat, generally only half of the circumference, the eye line of the female is a wave of three folds, the spacing is wide, the crown leaves are flat, not hollow.
清朝统治者最初接触到的佛教,是中国西藏地区所传的喇嘛教。当十七世纪初起,已有喇嘛到关外传教,曾受到清太祖的礼遇。太宗时(1627-1643),盛京(今沈阳)方面已开始和当时西藏的达赖喇嘛第五世(1617-1682)建立关系。佛教在清代时期当代世人的信仰,观音菩萨又作观世音菩萨、观自在菩萨、光世音菩萨等,他相貌端庄慈祥,经常手持净瓶杨柳,具有无量的智慧和神通,大慈大悲,普救人间疾苦。当人们遇到灾难时,只要念其名号,便前往救度,所以称观世音。铜观音的种类有很多,像是三面观音、千手观音、净瓶观音、莲座观音、送子观音等多种观音样式。 The Buddhism that the rulers of the Qing Dynasty first came into contact with was the Lamaism passed down in Tibet. Since the beginning of the seventeenth century, the lama has been missionary to Guanwai and has received the courtesy of the Qing Taizu. In Taizongshi (1627-1643), Shengjing (now Shenyang) began to establish relations with the Dalai Lama of Tibet at the time (1617-1682). Buddhism in the Qing Dynasty, the contemporary world's beliefs, Guanyin Bodhisattva also Guanyin Bodhisattva, Guan Zi Bodhisattva, Guangshiyin Bodhisattva, etc., he looks dignified and kind, often holding a clean bottle of willow, with infinite wisdom and supernatural powers, great compassion and compassion, save the world suffering. When people encounter disasters, as long as they read their names, they go to salvation, so they call Guanyin. There are many kinds of bronze Guanyin, such as three-faced Guanyin, Avalokitesvara, Jinguan Guanyin, Rosette Guanyin, and Sending Guanyin.
这座清代观音佛铜像是邱女士家传的珍品,黄铜打造,铸制于清代。观音菩萨头戴宝冠,两耳下垂,面貌安详,结跏趺坐在莲花座上,双掌叠在腹前。观音菩萨身穿连帔长袍,戴梅花形耳饰,胸前佩缨络。观音菩萨的宝冠正中饰佛像,四周饰花卉纹。袍的帔、领、袖部及袍下摆均饰花卉缠枝纹。 如有这座清代观音佛铜像感兴趣的藏友,欢迎莅临公司预约藏友进行赏析,如需意向购买,广大收藏家也可以通过我们公司联系洽谈,请提前办理好相关手续,及时联系。(24小时咨询热线:183-2700-0704) |