清代户部造光绪元宝 光绪元宝,清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。由两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元,之后各省纷纷仿效。共有十九个省局铸造,除中央户部,地方省所铸铜元,皆在其正面上缘镌写省名。光绪元宝是大清光绪年流通大面值货币之首,是我国首批引进海外技术的印发流通货币,对于现今也蕴藏了一定历史意义。
Guangxu Yuanbao, one of the currencies circulating during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. The Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Zhang Zhidong took the lead in introducing the British mint machine to cast silver and copper, and the provinces followed suit. A total of 19 provincial bureaus cast, in addition to the central households, the local provinces cast copper yuan, all on the front edge of the provincial name. Guangxu Yuanbao is the first of the large-value currency in the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty. It is the first batch of China's first batch of imported and exported foreign currency. It also has a certain historical significance for today. 清末铜价剧涨,民间毁钱为铜,以获数倍之利,市面出现钱荒。广东因停铸制钱,市面制钱日乏,小额流通十分不便。为救钱荒,同时受香港铜元及外币影响,光绪26年6月,两广总督德寿与前总督李鸿章奏准广东仿香港铜仙铸造机制铜元。故清代机制铜元的铸造由广东伊始。继而福建、江苏、四川等省相继铸铜元。以红铜95%、白铅4%、锡1%配合,每枚重二钱,当制钱十文。古钱币极具观赏性与历史价值,因此古钱币如同其他古玩一样被藏家们所青睐。中国最早的机制洋式银元为光绪年间的“光绪元宝”,俗称“龙洋”,因铜币背面,一般铸有龙纹而得名。 Now the five emperors'money generally refers to the "five emperors' money of the Qing Dynasty", which was forged during the reign of the five most prosperous emperors of the Qing Dynasty (Shunzhi, Qianlong, Yongzheng, Kangxi and Jiaqing). These five emperors successively reigned for 180 years, which was the most glorious period of the Qing Dynasty. During their reign, the country was strong, and the famous "prosperous times of Kang and Qian" appeared in history. Five Emperors Qian has a history of about 300 years. The material belongs to brass. The color is yellow. It is widely handed down from generation to generation. Only a small amount of it has been handed down by tens of thousands of people.
在中国,收藏家极其喜欢带有龙之图腾的钱币,因为中华民族是龙的传人,“龙”的图腾对于华夏儿女来说就是一种吉祥物。在民间传说,钱币背面的龙,能增加一个人的气运,使其时刻在龙气的保护下,趋吉避凶。所以这枚龙纹光绪元宝一直深受收藏家的喜爱。 In China, collectors are extremely fond of coins with dragon totems, because the Chinese nation is a descendant of the dragon, and the "dragon" totem is a mascot for Chinese children. In folklore, the dragon on the back of the coin can increase a person's air transport, so that it can be avoided under the protection of the dragon. Therefore, this pair of dragon pattern Guangxu yuanbao has been deeply loved by collectors.
龙洋是钱币中的开山鼻祖,是中国最早的钱币,相当于人民币收藏中的第一套人民币,不论是收藏还是投资都是最佳的选择。另外龙在中国传统文化中是权势、高贵、尊荣的象征,在收藏品中,龙是最出名的最受欢迎的,关于龙的藏品最为丰富最为人喜欢,自然而然地升值空间也是最大的。 Longyang is the originator of the coin, the earliest coin in China, equivalent to the first set of RMB in the RMB collection, whether it is collection or investment is the best choice. In addition, the dragon is a symbol of power, dignity and honor in Chinese traditional culture. Among the collectibles, the dragon is the most famous and most popular. The dragon's collection is the most abundant and most liked, and the natural appreciation space is also the biggest.
此枚光绪元宝是陈先生家传的珍品,是由户部制造而出的当值钱二十文面值的光绪元宝,整体锻造十分精巧规整,钱型厚重,文字美观大方,色泽铜黄,表面包浆莹润自然,历经上百年,历史气息厚重,铸造精湛,品相保存完好,虽略有磨损但整体品相可达到美品,收藏价值和升值空间都值得期待。 如有对此光绪元宝感兴趣的藏友,欢迎莅临公司预约藏友进行赏析,如需意向购买,广大收藏家也可以通过我们公司联系洽谈,请提前办理好相关手续,及时联系。(24小时咨询热线:183-2700-0704) |